How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Find out more about laser hair removal and whether it’s right for you.

While it’s entirely normal for our body to contain hair, sometimes hair develops in less-than-convenient areas. If this sounds like you, you may wonder what laser hair removal entails and whether you could be a great candidate. This could be the best option if you are sick and tired of waxing or shaving. Here’s what you should know,

What Is Laser Hair Removal, and How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is a great way to remove unwanted body and facial hair in both men and women. While many people have turned to wax and depilatories for removing unwanted over the years, this laser treatment offers a faster and more effective way to eliminate dark, unsightly hair. There are several kinds of lasers on the market that are FDA-approved to reduce the amount of unwanted hair on your face or body.

These power laser systems direct a beam of light at the hair follicles. This light beam is turned into heat, which the hair's dark pigment (melanin) absorbs. Once the melanin absorbs the heat, it breaks down the follicles and kills hair growth. Since hair grows in cycles, several treatments are usually necessary to achieve the desired results.

What Should I Expect From My Laser Hair Removal Sessions?

It’s pretty normal to need at least three or more sessions to attain the proper amount of hair removal; however, a lot will depend on the thickness of the hair and how large the areas to be treated are. Those who seek treatment in areas with thinner skin (e.g., bikini area) will often see faster and more visible results right away than those looking to treat areas with thicker skin (e.g., the back).Each session can be performed about every four to eight weeks.

When you come in for hair removal, we will direct a laser over the specific areas. To prevent overheating or discomfort, the laser is also equipped with a cooling mechanism that helps reduce any overheating of the skin, reducing the chance of burns or changes in skin pigmentation. You may notice some redness, tenderness or discomfort for a couple of days after treatment. Avoiding the sun as much as possible while getting laser treatment is essential.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

While laser hair removal does work best on those with dark hair and lighter skin due to the dark pigment in the hair follicles, this doesn’t mean that other patients won't also see great results. Some lasers are equipped to treat darker skin types to help reduce the appearance of unwanted hair. It is important to note that while laser hair removal can reduce the thickness and amount of your hair, it is not considered permanent hair removal.

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