Can Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss?

You're battling psoriasis – the itchy patches, the discomfort, the frustration. But now, you're noticing hair loss too. Is it just a coincidence, or could psoriasis be the culprit? We're here to clear the air and provide expert insights.

In this article, we're tackling the big question:

  • Can psoriasis really cause hair loss?

  • What's the connection between these two conditions?

  • How can you manage both psoriasis and hair loss effectively?

  • What options are available to treat psoriasis?

And hey, if you're in the Fort Lauderdale area and seeking expert advice, Natura Dermatology & Cosmetics has a team of experienced professionals ready to help you navigate the complexities of skin conditions like psoriasis.

Can Psoriasis Really Cause Hair Loss? 

Psoriasis itself doesn't directly cause hair loss. Phew, right? But – and there's always a but – the effects of psoriasis can indirectly lead to shedding. Take it like this: psoriasis isn't the villain, but it can create a perfect storm for hair loss.

Here's how it happens:

  • Scalp Psoriasis: This itchy, flaky scalp condition can make you want to scratch like crazy. And that constant scratching can damage hair follicles, leading to temporary hair loss.

  • Stress: Psoriasis can be stressful, and stress is a known trigger for hair loss. It's a vicious cycle.

  • Harsh Treatments: Some psoriasis treatments can be tough on your scalp, potentially contributing to hair thinning.

So, while psoriasis itself doesn't directly attack your hair, it can create a domino effect that leads to shedding. But don't panic just yet. There's hope. With proper management and treatment, you can minimize hair loss and keep your locks looking luscious.

Psoriasis and Hair Loss: Connecting the Dots

So, if psoriasis doesn't directly cause hair loss, what's the link? It all boils down to inflammation and its ripple effects.

  • Scalp Psoriasis: When psoriasis flares up on your scalp, it's like a wildfire. The inflammation can weaken hair follicles, making them more prone to shedding. Plus, that intense itching can lead to scratching, which further damages hair and disrupts growth.

  • Stress: Plaque psoriasis can be a real downer, both physically and emotionally. Stress can trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium, where hair follicles go into a resting phase and prematurely shed.

  • Treatment Side Effects: Some psoriasis medications, while effective, can have side effects like hair thinning. It's a trade-off you might need to discuss with your dermatologist.

In essence, psoriasis creates an environment where hair loss is more likely. It's not a direct cause-and-effect relationship, but more of a complex interplay of factors.

By managing your psoriasis effectively, you can also minimize the risk of hair loss. And if you're already experiencing shedding, there are treatment options to help promote hair regrowth.

At Natura Dermatology & Cosmetics, we understand the interconnectedness of skin and hair health. Our team can provide comprehensive care for both psoriasis and hair loss, addressing the root causes and helping you achieve optimal well-being.

Managing Psoriasis and Hair Loss

Alright, so we've established the link. Now, let's get down to brass tacks: how do you manage both psoriasis and hair loss? It's like juggling two flaming torches – tricky, but doable with the right approach.

  • First and foremost, tackle the psoriasis head-on. Remember, it's the underlying culprit here. Getting your psoriasis under control can significantly reduce the risk of psoriasis hair loss.

  •  Work with your dermatologist to find the right treatment plan for you. This might include:   

    • Topical medications: Creams, ointments, or medicated shampoos applied directly to the affected areas. 

    • Light therapy: Exposure to ultraviolet light can help slow down skin cells growth and reduce inflammation.  

    • Systemic medications: Oral or injected drugs that work throughout the body to suppress the immune system and control psoriasis.  

  • Next, be gentle with your hair and itchy scalp. Avoid harsh shampoos, excessive brushing, and tight hairstyles that can pull on your hair. Instead, opt for gentle hair care products and styling techniques.  

  • Stress management is key. We know, easier said than done. However, finding healthy ways to cope with stress can benefit both your psoriasis and your hair. Think meditation, yoga, or even just spending time in nature.

  • Finally, consider topical treatments specifically for hair loss. If you're already experiencing significant shedding, talk to your dermatologist about options like:

    • Minoxidil: A topical medication that can help stimulate hair growth.  

    • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy: A procedure that involves injecting your own concentrated platelets into the scalp to promote hair regrowth.  

And if you're in the Fort Lauderdale area, consider reaching out to Natura Dermatology & Cosmetics. Dr. Richardson and his team specialize in treating psoriasis and offer hair restoration services. We can provide a comprehensive approach to your care, helping you regain confidence in both your skin and your hair.

Effective Strategies for Managing Psoriasis and Hair Loss

american academy of dermatology

Here's the good news: you can manage both psoriasis and any associated hair loss. It takes a multi-pronged approach, but with consistency and the right guidance, you can reclaim your scalp and your confidence.

Prioritize Psoriasis Treatment

  • Team Up with a Dermatologist: This is non-negotiable. A dermatologist can accurately diagnose your condition, rule out other potential causes of hair loss, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

  • Stick to Your Treatment Plan: Whether it's topical medications, light therapy, or systemic drugs, consistency is key. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results overnight – give it time.

  • Communicate with Your Doctor: If you notice any side effects, including hair loss, let your dermatologist know. They can adjust your treatment or offer alternative options.

Be Kind to Your Scalp

  • Gentle Cleansing: Opt for a mild, fragrance-free shampoo formulated for sensitive scalps. Avoid harsh scrubbing or scratching.

  • Moisturize: Keep your scalp hydrated with a gentle conditioner or scalp oil. This can help reduce itching and flaking, which can contribute to hair loss.

  • Avoid Tight Hairstyles: Pulling on your hair can worsen scalp psoriasis and lead to hair breakage. Opt for loose styles that don't put stress on your scalp.

Manage Stress

  • Find Your Zen: Stress can trigger psoriasis flare-ups and hair loss. Explore relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to keep stress levels in check.

  • Prioritize Sleep: A good night's sleep is essential for overall health and can help your body manage stress more effectively.

  • Talk to Someone: If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor. They can provide support and coping strategies.

Consider Hair Loss Treatments

  • Minoxidil: This over-the-counter medication can help stimulate hair growth. It's available in both liquid and foam formulations.

  • PRP Therapy: This cutting-edge treatment involves injecting your own concentrated platelets into the scalp to promote hair regrowth.

  • Other Options: Your dermatologist can discuss other potential treatments, such as low-level laser therapy or hair transplants, depending on your individual needs.


  • Patience is a Virtue: It takes time to see results, so don't get discouraged. Stick with your treatment plan and trust the process.

  • You're Not Alone: Millions of people struggle with psoriasis and hair loss. Reach out to support groups or online communities to connect with others who understand what you're going through.


Will hair loss from psoriasis grow back?

In most cases, YES. Once you get your psoriasis under control, your hair should start growing back. It might take a few months, so patience is key. But if you've been scratching and causing damage to your scalp, that could lead to scarring and permanent hair loss. So, the sooner you address your psoriasis, the better your chances of full hair recovery.  

Should I wash my hair often if I have scalp psoriasis?

You want to keep your scalp clean, but overwashing can strip away natural oils and irritate your skin. Aim for washing every 2-3 days with a gentle, medicated shampoo. And remember, gentle is the keyword here – no harsh scrubbing or scratching. Look for shampoos containing ingredients like salicylic acid, coal tar, or ketoconazole, which can help control scaling and itching.  

How do you know if you have psoriasis in your hair?

Scalp psoriasis can be sneaky, masquerading as dandruff, or just a dry scalp. But there are some telltale signs:  

  • Red, scaly patches on your scalp  

  • Silvery-white flakes  

  • Itching and burning sensations

  • Hair loss (in severe cases)

If you're unsure, don't play the guessing game. Schedule a visit with a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis.

Psoriasis vs. eczema, what's the difference?

Both cause itchy, red patches, but they're different beasts. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease with thick, silvery scales. Eczema, on the other hand, is a general term for several skin conditions causing dry, itchy skin. It's often linked to allergies or irritants.  

  • Psoriasis: Overactive immune system, thick scales, can cause joint pain  

  • Eczema: Sensitive skin, dry patches, often linked to allergies  

A dermatologist can help differentiate between the two and recommend the appropriate treatment.  

What are some good shampoos for psoriasis?

Choosing the right shampoo can make a world of difference. Look for these ingredients:

  • Salicylic Acid: Breaks and removes scales

  • Coal Tar: Slows down skin cell growth and reduces inflammation  

  • Ketoconazole: An antifungal that can help with itching and flaking  

  • Pyrithione Zinc: Has antibacterial and antifungal properties  

Ready to Reclaim Your Hair and Confidence?

Psoriasis and hair loss can be a frustrating duo, but by understanding the connection and taking proactive steps before you make your scalp psoriasis worse, you can manage both conditions effectively. You don't have to face this alone.

Key takeaways

  • Even severe scalp psoriasis doesn't directly cause hair loss, but it can create a conducive environment for it.

  • Managing your severe psoriasis effectively is crucial for minimizing hair loss.

  • Gentle hair care, stress management, and targeted scalp psoriasis treatments can help.

Need expert guidance on your way to healthier skin and hair? The team at Natura Dermatology & Cosmetics understands the challenges of psoriasis and hair loss. We offer personalized plans to treat scalp psoriasis and compassionate care to help you achieve your goals. Don't let psoriasis steal your shine – schedule a consultation today.

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